Self-Determination in a K Plan World




Self-Determination in a K Plan World

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A panel of Oregon subject matter experts convened with Katie Rose, Executive Director of the Oregon Support Services Association, to share best practices for self-determination programs in Oregon – to encourage and progress self-direction and determination in the people.

The K Plan is a new Medicaid state plan option authorized under the Affordable Care Act in Oregon. It allows Oregon to provide home- and community-based services and supports while receiving a 6% increase in federal medical assistance funds from the federal government for those services.

Panelists included:

  • Stephanie Brown-Quinn, Mentor Oregon Metro Brokerage
  • Cecilia Silcox, Southern Oregon Regional Brokerage
  • Jessica Kral, Independence Northwest
  • Michelle Denman, Creative Supports
  • Laura Noppenberger, Eastern Oregon Support Service Brokerage
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